Events & Media

2021 Hong kong handbook
Mr.Nakajima senpai Hong kong seminar

It was a great pleasure to have an opportunity to learn the finer points of kata from Mr.Nakajima senpai recently. He is such a well accomplished karateka in national level karate tournaments in Japan. Looking forward to learning more from him next time. Arigatou gozaimashita Resume of Yoshio Nakajima Birth Year: 1955 Birth Place: Tokyo, Japan 1975 Started learning Karate at Gojuryu Karate-do Yoyogi Ryushinkan under Kancho Seirou Aragaki and Chief Instructor Morio Higaonna 1987 Taught Beginners Karate Class organized by the Shibuya District Education Committee for 13 years 1988 Received assignment from Kancho Aragaki to help teach at Yoyogi Ryushinkan 2001 Promoted to 6th Dan of All-Japan Karate-do Federation Gojukai; Teaching Karate at Ohta District, Tokyo Tournament Achievements 2017 Masters Class Kata Champion All Japan Industries Karate-do Tournament 2018 Masters Class Kata Champion All Japan Industries Karate-do Tournament 2019 Masters Class Champion All Japan Industries Karate-do Tournament 2013 Masters Class Kata Champion East Japan Industries Karate-do Tournament 2018 Masters Class Kata Champion East Japan Industries Karate-do Tournament 2017 Senior Class Kata Champion Nihon Karate-do Rengokai National Tournament 2015 Senior Class Kata Champion Nihon Karate-do Rengokai East Japan Tournament 2016 Senior Class Kata Champion Nihon Karate-do Rengokai East Japan Tournament 2017 Senior Class Kata Champion Nihon Karate-do Rengokai East Japan Tournament 2018 Kata Champion Sport Masters East Japan Karate-do Tournament 2019 Kata Champion Sport Masters East Japan Karate-do Tournament


Ryueiryu 200 Years mermoiers seminar

Ryueiryu has strived its way through the history of karate. It has started its journey since 1819, founded by karate master Kenri Nakaima. From a mystic to one of the most popular karate style, mr Sakumoto has devoted himself in promoting Ryueiryu around the world. We were fortunate enough to participate its 200th anniversary seminar with all the karate fellows around the world. During this 3 day seminar, karate practitioners around the world gathered in Okinawa and spent our days practicing basics and katas such as Heiku, Paiku, Anan, Anan Dai, Ohan, Ohan Dai and Pachu. We were trained by the Japan national team. Sweat, command and laughter were echoing the seminar stadium. We have also met various famous karate master such as world champion Ms Sandra Sancez and Mr. Damian Hugo. Apart from our hard work, we have also spent a bit of our time enjoying Okinawa. Our activities included: the diving section in the famous Okinawa Blue Cave, dining with famous Okinawa dishes (especially Ishigaki beef), visiting magnificent beaches in Kouri Island, and last but not least, shopping and fireworks. We have enjoyed our time with friends and family. It was truly an amazing summer. We would like to give our greatest gratitude to Ryueiryu Ryuhukai, which organized this brilliant seminar. We have learned so much from it. For sure, we will work hard and help to spread the spirit of Ryueiryu to our younger generation. As Mr Sakumoto has taught us: Never give up!

一眾日本國家隊,包括 清水由佳,喜友名諒,金城新,上村拓也等亦親身指導我們每一個形的動作中的技巧和細節。整個會場都回響着我們練習時的口令,汗水以及歡笑聲。
我們亦有幸遇見了一眾知名的空手道世界級選手,包括當今世界女子形排名第一位的 Ms Sandra 以及世界男子形排名第二位的Mr. Damian Hugo.




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空手帝王 元チャンピオン松久功コーチ



HK01 Martial expo 2019

HK01 held an Martial Art Expo on 04 May 2019. We were invited for a primary school Karate demonstration.[AT1]

Having practiced hard for over a month, 12 Kids, from 5 to 10 years old, skillfully demonstrated several basic moves, kata, as well as board breaking with different strike technique, audiences were excited and impressed.

All students were satisfied with there hard work and performance, we hope this precious experience will inspire our students to strive further for excellence and do just better and better in future.

Finally, thanks a lot for this opportunity and kind support from HK01

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